Le Grand Union High School District (LGUHSD) is a small rural district with a high population of English Language Learners (ELL) and 100% free and reduced National School Lunch Program (NSLP) participation. LGUHSD recognizes the challenges of bridging the digital divide and the importance of 21st Century Skill acquisition for our students. LGUHSD committed to a plan to implement a one-to-one mobile computing device for all students by the 2014 school year.
Research Questions
Research Questions
- What are the effects of improving technology integration in the classroom through teacher professional development on the English language arts and mathematic achievement of high school students?
- Where are the effects of improving technology integration in the classroom through teacher professional development on high school students passing the CAHSEE English language arts and mathematic parts?
- What are the effects of improving technology integration in the classroom through teacher professional development on preparing high school students for college readiness?
- Improving technology integration in the classroom through staff development opportunities will improve student English language arts and mathematic achievement.
- Improving technology integration in the classroom through staff development opportunities will improve the overall number of students passing the CAHSEE English language arts and mathematic parts.
- Improving technology integration in the classroom through staff development opportunities will prepare students for college readiness.
Students utilize Chromebooks in an effort to become paperless. Teachers focus on ensuring students are responsible for their own learning, increasing engagement, and assisting with differentiating instruction and assignments through higher order thinking strategies that also made use of the technology at hand. The focus on students was on making the shift from teacher-centered instruction to student to student-centered projects. Students use presentation tools that include Google Slides, WeVideo and screencasting apps. They participate in group projects and group presentations. Students and teachers are encouraged to discover other Chromebook and cloud based apps that would be useful in the classroom. Cross-curricular activities and collaboration with other teachers have been implemented. Provided PD and tech coaching to school faculty that covered technology and teaching strategies discovered at conferences.